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Nourish Your 

Emotional Well-Being

by Pamela Levin, R.N.
Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst Emeritus

Your Health and Fitness Plan

So, you're ready to make a health and fitness plan for yourself, or update one you already had. Good for you.

If you want to carry out that plan successfully and reach your health and fitness goals, be sure to include this essential ingredient.

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Reduce Stress and Improve Results

Do you want to improve your ability to attract what you want in life? If so, you need to learn how to manage your emotional self. That's because it is central to your success in manifesting what you want in life.

In other words, it is central to how the law of attraction works.

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Stress and Rashes and Physical Symptoms

How can stress cause a rash or some other horrible physical symptom or illness?

Understanding how this works will give you a way to think about this so you can reduce your stress exposure and manage your stress better when it happens.

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Emotional Diet Neglect and its High Cost

The word "diet" makes most of us think about food - what, when and how much we eat, etc. But another kind of diet is least or even more important: our emotional diet.

Ignoring, neglecting or abusing our emotional diet can lead to all kinds of dire consequences.

Here are five of the many such examples, followed by what to do to avoid them:

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The Two Most Important Relationship Messages

t's horrible when relationships go sour. There's so much pain and grief. It can feel like you've been sucker-punched in the gut, or like your heart's being ripped out or you've been hit with a brick bat.

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How To Manage Emotional Problems

Emotional problems are like plants in a garden. If you don't do something about them, they'll just keep growing. Like weeds.

And pretty soon things are absolutely out of control, you're stressed to the max even thinking about what to do and you wonder how things got that way.

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Know Your Feelings by special guest author H.D. Johns

How we manage feelings is central to our overall emotional health as well as our emotional healing process. And learning to manage feelings is a primary emotional intelligence (EQ) skill.

Here are some tasty nuggets for you - simmered slowly over some thirty-five years of clinical experience: observations made by clinical psychologist and Transactional Analysis therapist H.D. Johns.

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Successful Relationship Reminders from Infants about Feelings

Infants have to create successful relationships because their lives depend on it. And infants' lives revolve around feelings. They can't distract themselves from feelings like adults try to. That's why they're such great sources of learning for us about the role of our emotional state as we seek to build relationships that nourish and sustain us.

What can infants teach us about that?

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Successful Relationship Reminders from Infants about Expressing

Emotional states are part of every relationship. If we express them well, they contribute to the loving, nourishing relationships we need to sustain us. But handle them poorly, and the result can be complete sabotage.

We can only benefit by learning to handle our emotional states well.  What constructive cues can we take from how infants deal with their emotional states?

Here are five of the many such examples, followed by what to do to avoid them:

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Successful Relationship Reminders From Infants about Trust

As adults, we may carry a great deal of confusion about trust: who to trust, when to trust, how much to trust, even whether to trust... ever! But for infants, this a no-brainer.

What can infants teach us to clear up this confusion?

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Successful Relationship Reminders from Infants about Presence

Infants have everything to teach us about how to build successful relationships. That's because all relationships are built using the same tasks and methods infants use. And, infants have to be successful at engaging others - their lives depend on it!

Straight out of the womb, what's the first thing infants do to engage people?

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Emotional Hunger Calls for Emotional Nourishment

Are emotional hungers – ones you may not even be aware of – driving you to make choices based on emotional need instead of what’s actually best for you? If so, what kind of consequences might you expect, and what constructive steps can you take?

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Anger Three Ways

Anger is part of our human condition, which means we need to figure out strategies for recognizing it and then for managing it. We may experience it as a surge of inner heat as blood courses through our veins or a vague, unnamed discomfort that later breaks into consciousness. Or we might erupt like Mount Vesuvius, only then realizing we feel angry.

But whichever way it manifests, anger can destabilize us, making us vulnerable to harming ourselves, others or both if we allow it to overtake reason and caution. Therefore we can reap huge dividends and prevent major negative outcomes by knowing what to do when we feel angry.

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Your Mental Attitude Shapes Your Relationships

Because each of us is unique, each of us is different, and that can be a source of tension and conflict between people in any kind of relationship - intimate, work, ethnic, national.

If you want to minimize fighting, relationship ruptures, tension and trauma in your relationships and get along with others, checking out your mental attitude is a great place to start. That's because it can make a major difference in reducing, even eliminating painful disputes and distruptions.

So, before you start to develop a problem in a relationship, check to see what fundamental attitude you hold about your own humanity and that of others. Here's one example of such an attitude that has proven exceptionally effective.


Your Bones and Your Emotions

When you think of improving your bone health, if you're like most people, you think about physical things to do. For example, exercise more, especially weight bearing. Or eat higher quality food. Or take certain supplements.

While these are all important and valid in and of themselves, they do not complete the picture of what it takes to achieve full health of bones. That's because bones exist in bodies, and bodies are affected by emotions.

But can there be a link between bone health and emotional health?



Your Bone Health Links to Your Emotions

So you want to keep or improve your bone health. Excellent. To do that, there's a very important pathway to understand. That's the pathway that links your feelings, or your emotions to your bones.

Sound a bit far-fetched? Tenuous? But it's not at all. Here's how it works.


Individuation, Assertiveness and Conflicts

Individuation, assertiveness and conflicts can be healthy when they are born of a need to grow. As adults, we need to assert individual differences and individual rights as part of our individuation process, just as a two-year-old children need to do. When we push and test to discover limits and exercise our ability to say no during external conflicts, we are not creating dysfunctional conflict. Rather we are giving birth to ourselves as more independent and, powerful. 

But that process, so normal and natural to two year olds, can be uncertain.


Adulthood - How Is This Life Passage Designed?

Did anyone ever tell you how to be a grown-up? All too rare is the person who can answer "yes" to that question! Yet, learning the fundamental pattern that drives the basic stages of adult life has a myriad of benefits. It can


Encountering Chronically Hurtful People

by special guest author Roxanne Livingston

There are profound differences between people who occasionally "lose it" and do hurtful things and those who behave hurtfully as a matter of course. Here's how to learn to identify chronically hurtful people and how to take care of yourself around them - both essential survivial skills...


Irritable from Insomnia - Here's What To Do

Everybody's likely to experience insomnia sometime - so you might as well prepare yourself now so that when it happens to you, you're all ready and you won't 'lose sleep over it.'

After all, not being able to sleep is a lonely experience. There you are in the dark, and even if someone else is sleeping next to you, they can't help you. So the longer you can't sleep, the more likely you are to feel, not just frustrated, but isolated as well.



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